Each organization is setup to have up to 4 teams at different weight classes. They are Flags, Pee Wee, Junior Varsity, Varsity. These teams range in age from 5 through 13 years. There is also an optional level of Junior Pee Wee, which is instructional in design. Each team has any number of players, plus a cheerleading squad in the same age class.
The League was started to teach the youth of the area the basic fundamentals of football and to teach them discipline and good sportsmanship. Over the years the league has continued this philosophy and is constantly striving to improve the quality of play. We urge all of the organizations to do background checks on every coach. We try to have all of our coaches certified through the National Youth Sports Coaches Association or USA Football and have all coaches live up to the Coaches Code of Ethics.
League Officers
President: Jeff Silfies
Vice-President: Michael Beck
Treasurer: Darron Benson
Secretary: Don Blose
Assignor: Jim Soltis
Contact: easternpayouthfootball@gmail.com